5 Nutrients to Help You Fight Seasonal Allergies

5 Nutrients to Help You Fight Seasonal Allergies

As the seasons shift, so does the air around us, bringing sneezes, sniffles, itchy eyes, and congestion if you have seasonal allergies. But what if your diet and lifestyle are the key to managing these symptoms? In this article, we’ll guide you through simple changes that can make this allergy season more bearable.

Allergies occur when your immune system overreacts to something in the environment that it perceives as a threat.

Seasonal allergies, also known as seasonal allergic rhinitis, flare up when the immune system goes into overdrive against everyday elements like pollen, dust, or pet dander. This happens especially during spring and fall when trees, grasses, and weeds release pollen. The immune system responds by triggering the production of histamine, a chemical that, despite its good intentions, causes those all-too-familiar symptoms.

Why does your body react this way?

For those with seasonal allergies, your immune system goes into defense mode when exposed to pollen, mistakenly identifying these harmless particles as threats. In response, your body produces an Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibody

These IgE antibodies attach themselves to specific cells, including mast cells and basophils, loaded with histamine. Once the allergen latches onto the antibodies, it triggers the release of histamine into your tissues. Histamine’s job is to widen your blood vessels, making them more porous so that your immune cells can move in quickly to handle the “threat.” This process, although it’s an effort to protect you, is what leads to the familiar symptoms such as:

  • Swelling and redness of the nasal passages, eyes, or skin due to the increased blood flow and fluid accumulation in these areas.
  • Itchy eyes, nose, or throat, as histamine stimulates nerve endings, creating the sensation of itchiness.
  • Runny or blocked nose because of the fluid leaking from your nasal blood vessels and the swelling of nasal tissues.
  • Sneezing which is your body’s reflex action to rid the nose of irritants and allergens.

What determines the timing and severity of your allergies?

The timing mostly depends on when different plants release their pollen. That’s why you might find yourself only affected in either spring or fall. Environmental factors like temperature, humidity, and wind affect how much pollen is in the air (which also explains why your allergy symptoms can vary from one day to the next). So, by understanding what triggers your seasonal allergies and how your body responds, you can better prepare for and manage them.

5 Nutrients to Help You Manage Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

Now that you understand what’s happening in your body, what can you do? You might be surprised to learn that there are nutrients you can focus on to make your symptoms less severe and easier to handle.

Soil-based probiotics support your gut lining to keep out allergens.

Soil-based probiotics (SBPs) are a special kind of bacteria that come from the soil. Unlike the standard types you find in yogurt, these probiotics are spore-forming, which allows them to survive in extreme conditions, including the acidic journey to your gut. And once they get there, here’s how they help:

  • Strengthen your gut lining to block potential allergens that might trigger an immune response.
  • Train your immune system to recognize what’s a threat and what’s not, minimizing unnecessary reactions to things like pollen or pet hair.
  • Promote a diverse gut microbiome essential for a robust immune system. A well-supported immune system can reduce the severity of allergic reactions.

Omega-3 fatty acids may ease your inflammatory response.

  • One of the main reasons seasonal allergies make people miserable is inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce the production of pro-inflammatory molecules, such as cytokines and eicosanoids, in the body. 

Vitamin C helps your body metabolize histamine.

  • Vitamin C reduces the amount of histamine your body produces in response to an allergen. And the best part? It achieves this without the drowsiness often caused by over-the-counter antihistamines.
  • When you encounter an allergen, your body’s immune system can produce free radicals that trigger inflammatory symptoms. Vitamin C neutralizes free radicals, making your reactions more manageable. 

But there’s a catch—your body doesn’t store vitamin C. So, for optimal health, you must replenish it daily through vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables and your Whole C ReSet

Vitamin D keeps your immune response in check.

Electrolytes hydrate your cells.

Staying hydrated means more than just drinking plenty of water. It’s about ensuring your body effectively holds onto that water, and that’s where electrolytes come in. Electrolytes, like sodium, potassium, and magnesium, are charged minerals in your body that power thousands of essential processes. When you’re well-hydrated, your body is better equipped to handle irritants and toxins, helping to ease the discomfort caused by allergens.

  • Magnesium releases histamine and stabilizes mast cells to help reduce allergic reactions. Maintaining your levels could relieve symptoms like wheezing or breathlessness.
  • Zinc promotes the development and function of immune cells involved in allergic responses.
  • Potassium helps balance your body’s fluids and reduces inflammation associated with allergic reactions.

Keeping your electrolyte levels in check should be a top priority in your allergy management plan. Instead of reaching for sports drinks (which often have unnecessary added sugars), consider a healthier alternative. Enhance your daily water, smoothie, or juice with ReMyte®, a high-quality blend of all 12 essential nutrients your body requires to stay balanced.

Lifestyle Tips to Minimize Your Exposure and Maximize Health

Let’s dive into some practical lifestyle strategies to help you minimize your exposure to allergens.

Plan Your Outdoor Time

Pollen levels tend to soar in the early morning and late afternoon. By scheduling outdoor activities outside these peak times, you can effectively reduce your exposure to allergens. Always check your local weather forecast to monitor the pollen count, and stay inside when levels are too high.

Keep the Pollen Out

Keep your windows closed to prevent pollen from sneaking into your home. You can also invest in high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) purifiers in rooms where you spend most of your time (like your bedroom) to filter out allergens. When you return home, try to make a habit of changing your clothes and taking a shower to wash away allergens that cling to your clothes and hair. 

Try Local Honey

Consuming honey produced in your area may gradually build tolerance to local pollen and reduce your allergy symptoms over time. 

Eat More Omega-3’s

When you experience allergies, your body is actually responding with inflammation to what it perceives as a threat. Making simple changes, like adding a serving of fatty fish to your meals a couple of times a week, may reduce inflammation and relieve some of the discomfort that allergies bring. Flaxseeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and walnuts are fantastic plant-based sources of omega-3 for those who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet.

Omega-3 fatty acids are considered essential fatty acids, meaning your body can’t make them on its own and must get them from your meals or supplements. If you’re struggling to meet your daily needs, Omega 3 Algae A+E® stands out with a powerful blend of EPA and DHA, the most effective omega-3 types for fighting inflammation. 

Boost Your Probiotics

Keeping your gut microbiome in check allows your body to distinguish between harmless things like pollen and real threats. Probiotic-rich foods, including yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kombucha, are excellent options for introducing healthy bacteria back into your gut. And for best results, consider a high-quality soil-based probiotic formula to restore (and maintain) long-term balance.

Keep Stress Under Control

Stress activates your body’s defense system, releasing chemicals like cortisol and adrenaline to prepare you to face or escape danger. These chemicals are vital in life-threatening situations, but when they linger, they can negatively impact your health and worsen allergy symptoms. Keep stress under control by incorporating mindfulness meditation, regular physical activity, yoga, deep breathing exercises, or relaxing hobbies into your routine. 

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

While the word “mucus” might not evoke the most pleasant images in your mind, it’s your body’s frontline defense against airborne invaders like pollen. A hydrated body produces fluid mucus to trap allergens and prevent them from causing irritation. Conversely, if you’re dehydrated, your mucus becomes thick, making it harder to catch allergens and worsening symptoms like congestion.

So, how much water should you drink? The exact amount can vary based on your activity level, climate, and overall health. But a good rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces of mineralized water daily.

Start Small and Simple

Optimize your indoor environment, tweak your routines, and breathe easier—knowing you can influence your body’s reaction to the world around you. Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Service team for personalized help.